May I bank my hope on that God will help you publish this letter. I have been patiently waiting for wisdom to constructively contribute a response to the SODV Act, which was made with a get back hate-fuelled mind-set; hence it punches with no just justice.
It is a matter of fact, that women are being abused, but you can’t in turn do the same by abusing the means of law to vengefully craft a biased legislation without fairly looking on the women’s side of the matter.
All who contributed to the crafting of this legislation were under hatred and revenge, with no moral and just sense of perspective - 1John2:8-11, 3:15. Can any Christian inclined populace forget Genesis 39? What happened to Joseph when a woman was favoured by the laws of the land? Did he go to prison because of false evil tears? This draconian SODV legislation had Satan in the making. A valid evil perpetrated by some men but blanketed pulled over the board. What quality of MPs voted for this thing as it is? What calibre of minister took it through all the processes?
Back on my point; I call on all men to wake up and galvanize for legislation styled ‘Public Sexual Immoral Seductive Bill’ which I look forward to help in its crafting. If it can be enacted, it can balance things up and the sentencing could reflect the matching standards set by the SODV Act. Men have to sponsor this one and push it through.
The legislation must address every form of public sexual immoral conduct by dress code, act or behaviour on both fences of gender. It has to be a societal correcting legislation, but not a hate squaring up thing. We have to be a bit loving and remember as a supposed Christian influenced society, to exhibit such fruits if we aren’t hypocrites for ‘you shall recognise them by their fruits’.
I demand response from men in particular and actions of note. We do not need cowardice and hiding behind naive advocacies. Man up.
Thank you
Word Apostle.
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