The family is the formation centre of human life. Family life is important because it gives us love, a sense of belonging, acceptance, importance, security and mutual respect.
Family could be a source of great joy or great pain. Many of us were born into circumstances that do not represent family as God designed it to be. Almost all families have become dysfunctional; anger, pain and abuse are the order of the day. Most of our problems in society can be traced back to the family atmosphere.
When families are not healthy, they produce irresponsible citizens who are unhealthy spiritually, mentally and emotionally. From birth, social circumstances have a way of shaping our attitudes and the way we respond to relationships and life in general.
There is a need for all of us to make an effort in dealing with our backgrounds and various experiences in life. This may help in bringing God’s healing power to the wounds and pains in our souls and also help to re-align our perspectives and attitudes in life.
In spite of our birth circumstances or negative experiences of life, we must always remember that at the end of the day, we are what we think. Thinking shapes who we are.
The greatest challenge to having a good tomorrow is the quality of our thinking that we usually allow. The environment and activities around our family and early life associates usually shape our mindsets; and thereby create certain perceptions, prejudices and stereotypes. Our actions or feelings are always provoked by our most predominant thoughts because everything begins with a thought.
Our thought patterns will usually determine who we are and what we are becoming in life. Nurture great thoughts, for you will never go higher than your thoughts. We must not allow our birth circumstances or backgrounds to bring limitations in the level of our thinking. We must actually allow our negative backgrounds to inspire in us creative thinking. When we embrace a lifestyle of good and positive thinking, great results will come forth.
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