I am a liSwati businessman running a business in Matsapha. The business was incorporated in 1983 and has been in continuous operation for the past 36 years. The business employs 23 people including myself.
Here is my dilemma; the Eswatini Government owes my company a substantial amount of money with no payment forthcoming for over 11 months.
I continue to incur monthly costs while providing a service to the Eswatini Government. I am contractually obligated to do so. Some may say hand over the matter to attorneys and litigate.
We all know that that could drag on in the courts for years. I don’t have the money to throw at attorneys. I have had several meetings with high ranking officials within the line ministry to no avail. I keep getting unfulfilled promises.
I have SRA knocking on my door for delayed VAT payments based on monthly invoices to government which aren’t being honoured.
The irony of it all. My company responded to an advertised open tender and outbid over 30 other companies (Oh how lucky they were not to win the tender).
Surely if government went out to advertise an open tender it should have set aside a budget to service this tender? Apparently not.
My overdraft with my bank is fully extended with no hope of further reprieve from that avenue. They have been very understanding thus far, but won’t be for much longer.
My business is on the brink of closure after 36 years. What must I do Mr Prime Minister Ambrose Dlamini?
Anonymous by choice
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