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In my previous numerous articles which I have submitted before and I will continue to submit similar, even long after the current crop of legislators have left office, I must register my disappointment with the office of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and the Mandvulo-led government of being so inactive when addressing the issues of corruption in this country. It is now over eight months since they took office, but the issue of corruption has now been swept under the carpet and it is business as usual.  Anyway, what would you expect?

Talking about corruption eradication is not the issue at hand, but the real issue is seeing the corrupt individuals facing the full might of the law and paying for their evil deeds. But can that be said about our country? Of course no! Instead its rewards and awards for acts of corruption!

I have hoped emabandla would come to our rescue, but I soon realised that nothing is going to change, especially because it comprises of the most feared and privileged of this country of Ka-Ngwane, who have been handpicked to safeguard the status quo. The bouncing back of desperate individuals who cried hunger before our leaders was a clear sign that we are going nowhere because the truth is even when they were in office, the country’s economy declined so fast and one wonders what they are going to do now?

The alleged corrupt individuals are still throwing their weight around, as if they are lords from outer space and needless to say, that they are making a mockery of our system which we love so much.

As long as our lax laws are not overhauled, then let us forget even reaching the envisioned 2022 first world status.
Those who will reach 2022 are those in power and the corrupt, and we who are languishing in abject poverty will continue to be thrown deeper into the end of poverty.

The ever widening gap between the poor of this country and the elite is very frightening, because it is getting wider by the day. Even now I am still wondering why after 50 years of independence, we still have the same faces in government.

children replacing parents

If it’s not the same faces, then it’s their children who have replaced their parents. This is the cruellest joke. It is obvious that ‘street sweepers will give birth to street sweepers’  ‘Directors will give birth to Directors.’ All this is due to the nepotism which rules supreme in this country and is by the way, an accepted way of life.

Corruption and nepotism will remain with us. Corruption smells everywhere you go. Here we are talking of even promotions, especially in the armed forces. You find female officers being promoted faster and rising up the ranks under very mysterious conditions. I know of an officer who is a hard worker in the force based in the Manzini region and this guy is towards retirement, but still he holds the rank of constable, just because he doesn’t have bottom power, hence he will remain at the bottom. That’s how demotivating the system is.

The Strategic Road map which has been mapped out by our Prime Minister Ambrose Mandvulo Dlamini and his Cabinet might not succeed if the present system of governing the country is not changed, with immediate effect.
I said it before and I continue to say, that I love the PM very much as he was my junior at school and he is quite brilliant, but I guess he might not be successful though, in his attempt to turn around the ills of this country because the very same people who brought down the country on its knees are still in office and will definitely make it a point that he doesn’t succeed. PM was supposed to get rid of all those people and set-up his own all new team who will support his vision.
But the approach he took to continue working with hooligans who brought the country down is very worrying.

Phela uMlangeni must remember that it is only Sibusiso who left and his crew is still around. I only pray that the issue of corruption is given priority, because we can’t be ruled by a clique who doesn’t have the interest of the country at heart.  In ending, I really want to say that as a senior citizen of this country, it is very painful to watch the country changing right in front of me and I do nothing about it. I went past Lavumisa and saw how high the levels of poverty are? I then thought as to what government is doing about that; obviously nothing.

Khokhumncadvo Dlamini
Ka-Zondwako (eButsini) 76481668

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