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Allow me to voice out my frustrations over the way we are treated as contract employees of the Government of Eswatini.
I am currently employed on a one year contract in one of the government ministries. Now, I have gone almost six months without receiving any payment from my employer. I have absolutely nothing to eat since I have no other source of income other than my salary.

My dependents are also suffering because of hunger since I am from the lowveld where we depend on buying mealie-meal from the neighboring country. I cannot mention the issue of buying toiletries, the situation is just bad.

I am now in debt such that no one believes that I am working because they borrow me their money and I never return it.
This month I do not know what to do as I have to fork out rent and transport fees to go work which I am not paid for yet I was employed and have a letter confirming my employment from the Civil Service Commission.
To the prime minister, you are the one who is the head of government and I believe you don’t know about this issue because such is never reported to those in authority.


I believe that once you read this letter you will take proper action towards addressing my issue. Mr Minister of Labour and Social Security, I guess your ministry is the one that is responsible for monitoring the welfare of all government employees in the country.

I have tried several times to talk to you concerning my issue but there are always obstructions that prevent me from reaching you since I am always told that you are busy.

What saddens me the most is that I am working within the ministry that is responsible for the welfare of the employees in the country, then one tends to wonder how bad is the situation for those working in other ministries. 

Mr Minister of Public Service, I have learnt that you are the one who is responsible for taking such issues to Cabinet for approval.

I am not sure if you were aware about my issue because I do not believe you can be so heartless that you can drag this issue for so long, half a year. In the department I am working in, there are a few workers but there is too much work to be done. 
Furthermore, you cannot revive the economy without knowing all the aspects that you need to know.

S Gumedze

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