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Let me take this opportunity to thank all my critics and supporters who read my articles in this newspaper. Before I even waste time let me get to today’s topic.
Before I do that, may I ask my dear readers: 

“Was I lying when I said this country and its government is corrupt?” Just last week, a controversial company was awarded a tender of almost E2 million amid all glaring disparities and discrepancies, but it was awarded, then someone says we must keep quiet! No ways.” This government is very corrupt. Period! I just wish God would come back and wind up this dirty and filthy world.


I was counting the number of months left before the great hype of 2022 and I just saw that it is only wishful thinking. Attaining this vision would have been a reality if at all the right people were driving the country. Unfortunately, we have ‘too many chiefs and few Indians’ as I mentioned previously, that as long as corruption rules, we shall never attain the vision 2022.

By the way, I am also supporting this vision, but I know it for a fact that it will remain a vision, period.
As long as critics of government are viewed as enemies of the State, then we are lost. As long as the prerequisite for climbing the political ladder is corruption then we have lost it. If you’re not corrupt, then you’re viewed as not competent to be in power.

  But if you appear to be corrupt then you’re labelled as brilliant.
No wonder hard-core criminals are given titles of successful business men/women. Well known criminals are brushing shoulders with those in the echelons of power. Now given such a scenario, can you say we are vying for 2022? Obviously no! Only the corrupt will reach there.

I suggested before and I am still suggesting even today that let’s open up the mines which are so rich in minerals just for about 20 years. This exercise will provide the much needed jobs and our revenue shall multiply. Right now we are facing job losses of about 15 000 employees, not only in the textile industries but also in the sugar belt and still we dream of vision 2022!


Our strategy sucks. Maybe the strategy that is being employed here is that it’s OK for the suffering majority to lose their jobs, and go home to die so that only the rich will be left behind to plunder the wealth willy-nilly.
But what I am seeing from this is very angry and rebellious people being manufactured by our government.

Criminals are being created and luckily the victims and casualties of all this will be the very same government top and corrupt officials. The tiger will bite them.
We will have a very angry nation by 2022, which is being created by government. As long as our PM is doing nothing about corruption, he shall have himself to blame yet he had all the time to address and eradicate corruption.

By: Khokhumncadvo Dlamini
Ebutsini  Ka-Zondwako 7648 1668

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