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Imagine that you’re the whole universe, you live in total joy and bliss. Imagine there is no past or future, only now. Imagine there is no space or time, just an unbounded eternity.

Imagine endless peace, harmony and unconditional love. Imagine no fear and equality in all things; this is oneness. Unfortunately, we cannot imagine it fully. To understand it we need to compare it to something else, which immediately brings us into duality. I wonder if it’s ever possible to be in oneness?

Maybe it is. Oneness is the coming together of all creatures.

It’s always with us as the basis and underlying essence of everything. It’s nothing in itself, but holds the potential of everything. We have to go beyond our minds, the senses and beyond duality to find oneness. We’ve all had random, unexpected glimpses of it.

Think about it; you were watching a beautiful sunset and had that moment when you felt like you merged with the whole of creation or saw your newborn baby for the first time and fell in love with the whole world. We even have expressions for these glimpses; we say ‘it took my breath away’ or ‘time stood still’. We became one with the totality of the experience. When we return from the moment of oneness, we find it impossible to properly express it.


We can also have direct experiences of oneness through meditation, which provides a systematic path by which our awareness settles to calm levels of thinking until we finally transcend thought completely. Oneness is not just an experiment, it’s a state of being. Modern quantum physics talks about a unified field which underlies and connects everything in creation. Who we are is pure consciousness or oneness, expressing itself in different forms at different times in our evolution.

We are one, we’ve always been one and we’ll always be one, until we think we are separate, we have forgotten our oneness. As a result of forgetting, we create an illusory world of duality, which leads to suffering. All disagreements, conflicts and wars are due to the mistaken belief that we are separate. When we realise we are one, who or what is there to fight against us? On a cosmic level, two people fighting is as ridiculous as if your hands decided they didn’t like each other and started fighting.

If you see God (the oneness) in everyone, you can never harm anyone. Wherever you go, whatever you experience through your senses, keep reminding yourself that it is all part of the oneness. Begin to recognise the world as a reflection of yourself. Oneness is the potential for all sounds but is itself silent. Oneness is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent.

It is all powerful, all pervasive. It pervades, permeates and penetrates all things and all hearts. Live your life from love, recognise that you are the universe. Be the oneness and everything will be yours. Begin to recognise the world as a reflection of yourself.

Lungiswa Malaza

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