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The issue of climate change has risen to an unprecedented level of national and international consciousness. The year was 2015 when Pope Francis released his long awaited, controversial and much debated encyclical on the environment. The central issues he addressed were the threat of global warming to the environment and its impact on the poor, the family and the world’s economy.  Undergirding his thesis is humanity’s need to protect and take care of creation.

Recently; Pope Francis has once again waded into ecological waters, inviting all people to pray for the environment while urging world leaders to ‘hear the cry of the earth’.  The pope, who is a Jesuit pope, continued; “We no longer respect nature as a shared gift; instead we regard it as a private possession. We no longer associate with nature in order to sustain it; instead we lord over it to support our own constructs.


The human and natural environments are deteriorating together, and this deterioration of the planet weighs upon the most vulnerable of its people.” According to him, climate change is the biggest problem facing this world and if we don’t deal with it now and save the planet then this world will be doomed. However, allow me to submit that this is a blatant lie. The reason this world is languishing and dying is not because of pollution and climate change, it is because of sin. It is because man has transgressed the law of God. The planet is not doomed due to climate change but it is doomed due to sin. As long as we have no conviction of sin in our lives, the curse will remain upon the earth and we will be able to do nothing to save the planet.


Pope Francis and the leaders who are at the forefront of the climate change movement, telling the world that the earth is being destroyed because of consumerism and pollution, are the very ones who have led the world into transgressing the law of God and caused the world to worship a false god.

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