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The rate of people taking advantage and manipulating the country seems to be escalating every minute of the day. Our country is in a crisis due to those who think of their greed and satisfaction, never bothering to think about our country.

What exactly am I referring to when I say a broken society? Am I talking of the rife murders, crime injustice and all? In a nutshell, I’m actually referring to all the wrongdoings happening around us. We have a Parliament which tends to help solve some unlawful situations that happen to befall us every now and then. We also have a police service which is trying by all means to help society fight crime. Not to mention church denominations and societal committees which also fight against crime, but in vain.


I’m not saying make the laws more stringent or any tighter. It doesn’t help because the public seemingly hates authority. Don’t make the laws to be tyrants, oppressing the people. We need not be pushed back against the laws. Where exactly is this going? What I’m trying to translate to society is that all we need is self-introspection and integrity from within.


Back then, in the times of kaGogo, all that was happening was in correct order because of the unity and morality within people. Nowadays, things tend to happen so fast simply because of societal decay. With the rise of social media, people have become self-absorbed and disconnected from their communities. Society only thrives when individuals have empathy for others - something that is rapidly being lost.

Why does everyone feel okay with the label of unity during national elections and everything made to be published? It is absolutely not a good practice for us. We don’t have to pretend like all is well for the benefit of neighboring countries yet we know we are living in a sty.

So, a broken society is a theme documenting violent crime, child neglect, teenage pregnancy and beneficial cheats, which are all proof of the widespread societal decay.  Some argue that a broken society is a myth. In a global context, Eswatini is one of the safest countries in the world, thus focusing on individual crimes gives us a warped view of reality.

Our society functions through reported kindness of high status people who are living large. The million Dollar question is what do we really want? Do we want to live in a cultural liberation that displaces traditional manners and morals or do we want to live in a legal revolution that emphasises individual rights instead of responsibilities? That’s just up to us; we have to man-up and act on everything demolishing our lovely country.

Lungiswa Malaza

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