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My prayer is that this letter will wake you up, stimulate and ignite you. Inspite of your difficult experiences, it’s never too late to rise up, dream again and move forward.

Moving forward requires developing and cultivating new winning habits.  We are all creatures of habit. Psychologically, habit is an automatic pattern of behaviour that may be inherited through frequent repetition. It is a stereotyped behaviour that is practised so long it seems innate.

Habit is easy to get into, but hard to get out of. We must always remember that behaviour is formed through habits. Our habits actually have the power to create our future. We can only become tomorrow what we are becoming today. Success is found in our daily habits. We must therefore endeavour to develop winning habits.


The habits we choose to practice will eventually shape our character and future. If we do not like the direction which our life is taking, we must change our habits.
Success does not usually come in a day; it comes daily through our daily habits. Success is actually found in our daily routine or habits. We succeed by doing right things over a period of time. Habit reflects character, shapes character and affects destiny. The habits we acquire in the foundational stages of our life are usually key to the unlocking of our destiny.


Children must be taught good habits so that they become productive citizens in the future. When we look closely at our habits today, it will give us an idea of what our future will look like. Your future is not a mystery; it can be seen in today’s daily habits. We must all examine our daily habits in terms of time, diet, money, relationships, speech etc. Life must be lived by design and not by default. For example showing up late at work all the time reflects bad character and habit. 

Habits shape behaviour, behaviour shapes character and character impacts on our future. Cultivating winning habits that promote life, health, blessings and productivity demands discipline. Good habits are usually a result of resisting temptation. If you decide to lose weight through dieting, you will be tempted to eat something you are not supposed to. Resist temptation. Learn how to say no to things that look good and attractive, but are detrimental to your future. We must also train our conscience to obey that which is right. We must also make a conscious decision to disconnect from our past habits whether acquired by practice or inherited.

To change a habit, we must be hungry for change. Change is one of those things which are not easy to manage. We must be determined to practice some discipline and self-control in our eating habits, time management, relationships and work ethics. We must not get discouraged if we keep on falling back to our old habits, we must continue trying because change takes time, it is a process.

To change habits, we must seek knowledge, understanding and the application of wisdom. We must prepare ourselves mentally and embrace a responsible attitude toward change. This may require a lot of discipline but it is worth it. Remember it is never too late to change. Progress in life requires change. Change may be costly. Let us pay the price of change for the sake of the future of our families, communities and nation.


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