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A father’s dream experience provides guidance needed to cure a child’s sickness. Our memory of dreams is a glimpse of the spiritual life that each of us lead beyond the physical.

The beauty of dreams is that they go with you everywhere no matter what. They are portable treasures. You need only to recall them, to recognise them as a divine gift to gain insight into your true spiritual nature. But we are often compelled to beat the clock. We get impatient with the natural cycle of an event and want to hurry things along.

The moment the biblical Joseph rightly interpreted that dream of Pharaoh, Egypt rapidly overcame its economic and social malaise and rose to prominence. It became a house of bread and grain for all nations. People were coming from as far as Persia and Far East to buy food and medicine from Egypt.
Eswatini has a dream and after so long the dream has not been interpreted to work for its people. Now is the time to interpret the dream. Eswatini has senior citizens but not even one has the guts to tell us what this dream means. Who is the Joseph that can interpret the national dream?


I have asked God for the understanding of the 2022 dream, but what better time to remind the Omnipotent and Omniscient one than now. The year 2022 is almost here. The magical year we are all waiting for. The magical year where ambitions will be realised and dreams shuttered. It is the year boys will become men and some men will move backwards and become boys. It is the year where friendships, trust and loyalty will be tested. The year that is supposed to bring us together somehow, I don’t know how though.

At a time like this, it will not be a surprise to see opponents carrying a casket and say what they have inside is the body of a man who is still alive. Blows will be exchanged and ways will be parted. Like as I have once noted, at a time like this, everything becomes Charlly Boy Show, where everything can happen.
My beloved countrymen, I doubt if there is anyone who honestly can say he or she is not troubled by the state of our nation.

There is discontentment in the land right now. The unusual thing about this dream is that everything about it is unusual. Everything about this dream is dangerously unusual. The economy is struggling; challenges are refusing to give way. No time but now when we are preparing for that magical 2022, is appropriate for us to search our souls. I have searched mine and I believe instead of lamenting and whining about our circumstances, we should let those who lead us explain Vision 2022 for us.


Forget about the unnecessary clamour of Eswatini being a First World country or whatever you call it. So long as there are no free and legitimate elections, and overspending, forget it this dream is a fake. As long as the system controlling the development of our nation is not based on public interest but self, the clamour for 2022 is all junk.

A place to start is the kind of country we all desire to live in. As a nation, do we like what we see? I am saddened when the issues concerning the citizenryinsists on taking the front row and I wonder why I cannot be a free citizenry in a country I have known all my life. Why am I trapped in the crossfire of poverty in a land of plenty? It worries me.


As we troop to 2022, the year that will pilot the affairs of the country for many years, it becomes even more tough to be proud of Eswatini or to be a proud liSwati under these circumstances, except you are dyed in wool. How can it be a magical year when we have a government that still behaves in this manner and refuses to apply sense in everything it does? Oh year 2022, you magic year, come let’s see what you are made of. As you troop along, please bring with you a health care service that will heal the dying nation in the land. Bring with you an education system that will bring intellectuals. In days ahead, no one is exactly sure what to expect in 2022 but we will see what is left of what will make this year magical.

Colleen Matsebula

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