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I would like to respond to the aforementioned article in the Times of Eswatini dated November 18, 2019. There are a lot of disturbing and confusing things spoken by Pastor Fana Lukhele of the Foundation of Life Church, in the article.

I am a citizen and ambassador of the kingdom of Heaven and would like to set the record straight, using the Bible as a point of reference.
The Lord God Jehovah Yahweh has given us His word, the Bible, as a guide so that anyone who aspires to have a relationship with Him should read it for themselves and know what is expected of them. In Genesis 1:27 KJV; “So, God created man in His own image, in the image of God created them, male and female, He created them.”

God never created a male and a male but a male and female. So, clearly anything contrary to this is confusion and a creation of satan.
In Genesis 1: 28a KJV; “And God blessed them and God said be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.” God created a male and a female and gave them an instruction to give birth to their own kind and replenish the earth.

God is not confused that He can instruct Adam and Eve to procreate and then create an LGBTIQ man and woman to stop procreation. God made a woman with a womb to conceive and He made a man to be able to have intercourse and impregnate a woman.


So, all the men who think they are women are confused. Again all the women who think they are men are confused. Confusion is not of God but of the devil. In Leviticus 18:22; “Thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is an abomination.”
God abhors homosexuality and says it’s an abomination. This will never change no matter how progressive life can be on earth. The new age era can never change the truth about homosexuality. Therefore, it is not wise for LGBTIQs to say they also read the Bible and yet pick and choose the verses to deceive the ignorant. Other points of reference are 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1Timothy 1:10.

In Proverbs 28:13 KJV; “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper; but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” Whoever aspires to have a relationship with the Lord God Jehovah Yahweh should confess his/her sins and forsake them. It is true that God loves everyone (John 3:16).
But it is also true that God hates sin and requires that everyone who wants a relationship with Him should confess their sins and forsake them.

Having a relationship with God through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour should result in a total transformation of character and lifestyle (Roman 10:9-10 and Corinthians 5:17). My prayer is that this truth of the infallible Word of God be preached and taught, without compromise, to all people in Eswatini from the age of three years onwards.

So that all people can be freed from all deceit and be able to discover and fulfill their divine purpose on earth. The aim of satan is to raise a generation of a lost, confused and disoriented people without an identity.
May I kindly appeal to the church of Jesus Christ in Eswatini to unite in prayer and fasting for divine intervention on the LGBTIQ community (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Pastor Celani Mhlanga

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