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Show me a woman who does not believe in love and I will show you a liar. Every woman wants to be loved. We all long for that indescribable feeling that keeps our heads in the cloud; that feeling which makes you feel you and your man are the only ones on earth. And when he touches you, you feel this tingling sensation running down your spine. It is a feeling that makes a woman see life through rose-tinted glasses; it is a delicious feeling. It leads you to temptation; it makes you do things that you may later wonder how you ever contemplated at all. Sometimes it puts a smile on your face when your mind wonders to those loving moments.


Sometimes a love experience does not end in marriage but it does not take away the fact that for the rest of your life you will never forget it. But is love enough to make a marriage work? Is it the all ingredient that makes a relationship work? Which is more valuable in a serious relationship, love or respect? A man loves his wife and his wife loves him back. In fact they married for love and have two children, both girls, both delivered through Caesarian section. The last almost cost the woman her life and the doctor advised that because of the complications that happened in the operating room, the madam should stop having children.


For a few years the man lived with this harsh fact that they will never have a son. Then he starts dropping hints about alternative medicine and the wonders of local herbs; and how God is a miracle worker. The woman considers falling pregnant again because of all the sweet talk. She also wants a boy, and is also afraid of the alternative open to her husband, a second wife for instance. She refuses to fall pregnant and the husband becomes angry; blaming her with conniving with the doctor. And he decides to leave her. Did he love her? Would respect have made the situation easier to handle? He went on and got a second wife and luckily got a boy.



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