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Just when we thought the dust had settled, boom the Eswatini Electricity Company (EEC) with its ridiculous 5.7 per cent electricity hike.  Hardly a few months ago, the very same company was bragging about the fortunes of profits they have generated.


Where is that money now when the company is still trying to milk fellow emaSwati the little that they have? Why is it trying to solve its financial blunder at the cost of our money? This is too much for emaSwati guys! Has the company thought of the citizens of the country who are still struggling with its current electricity rates?


It is worth noting that this is coming at a point when government is still failing to increase civil servants’ salaries. In the previous year, the high electricity rate was part of the company’s demands that were sent by the unions to government to be reviewed. True is the French saying ‘that the more things change, the more they stay the same’. Sometime ago the company was said to be improving some of its power stations and constructing new ones, which we had a hope they were to reduce the current high prices of electricity, but the problem is still the same.


One may agree with me that the country has huge natural resources; rivers and coal, among others, which I think are more than enough to generate electricity that can supply our country at lower prices.As I see it, every time EEC fails to make proper usage of funds it seeks a bailout by milking the poor emaSwati. It is worth noting that chances of the company giving back to the community are minimum no matter how much profits it makes from us. It is high time our government gives other potential power supplier companies an opportunity so that there will be competition. This can make EEC to up its game in providing good services at a fair price for all stakeholders. At the moment when there is a financial crisis in the country, EEC should have come up with new strategies instead of milking emaSwati.

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