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An eagle is one of the most powerful tidal wave birds of prey, which I prefer to learn from to get that ingenuity. In every day life, we all grope, as an endeavor to prosperity but we end up not reaching our destinations.

Sometime back I studied the way of life of eagles, and I observed that we live a similar life; we both contrive to thrive in life.
Eagles don’t rely on dead prey and this should give a picture that we should not rely on past triumphs and achievements, but we should focus on the ongoing challenges in our lives.

Eagles do not lose focus on their prey, no matter how far away it is. Even if the prey is about 3km away, they, despite the surroundings, ensure they get hold of that prey.

Humans observe that achievers are not afraid of challenges, and they don’t lose focus even if hope is in the dark. They don’t doubt themselves no matter what.
During rainy days, eagles fly above the clouds to camp there for some days. They would be seen coming back after the storm is over ready to attack the live prey weakened by the storm. This act should tell us that we have to avoid tricky challenges or situations.

The rain could symbolize our comfort zone, therefore we have to embrace stepping out of it to live a better life. Just think about it, isn’t there anyone else who enjoys the earthly smell when the rain heats the ground (relaxation in comfort zone).


When it’s time for eagles to incubate their eggs, they stay with them, they don’t move to or with other birds. From these birds of prey, we should learn to focus on our dreams until we achieve them.
Don’t go around telling everybody your plans and dreams because nowadays it is difficult to distinguish those who really love you from those who pretend to love you.

In times of sorrow in your life, they all weep together with you, and in your moments of ecstasy, they all smile with you.
When eagles are older, about 40 years of age, they move to mountains, where there will be no disturbance. That’s why people sometimes say night owls (people who love loneliness and darkness) are more creative and intelligent when making decisions.

The eagles hit themselves hard against the mountain rocks, a bloody, painful and agonising process, until all feathers and beaks are removed. Sometimes we as humans, we have to sacrifice a lot in order to get something. We have to stop some practices which add no value to our lives.
Though it may be difficult, but we should endeavor and wait for a new better life to begin. Remember trees lose their leaves in winter and they wait for spring for their restoration.

When eagles comes back from the mountains, with new wings and beaks, they glide in space stronger than before and ready for the prey they survive on.
Eagles give me that euphoria and that long lasting passionate smile, especially when I see their white wings. They are white as a meteor; they are white as teeth, many teeth of smiling friends. I wish everyone has something to smile about when I say ‘you can be that bird of prey, you can be that eagle’.

Philani Sangweni

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