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The freedom of religion seems to be turning Christianity into a free for all and nobody is coming out seriously to crack the whip and bring this sector to order before we lose the faith that forms the core of our existence as a people of this country.

Government cannot sit by and watch as conmen in priestly robes turn this country on its head by destroying all confidence of the future through Christ. Churches are also becoming battle zones as competition for clients takes over their spiritual mandate. Ministries have become get-rich-quick schemes, which leaves them starving of morality.


Discrimination against the have nots is taking over as your tithe determines the attention you receive. In some cases congregants are being robbed, literally! Of what good is a physically and spiritually hungry nation to national development?

What is the role of the church in the development of this country? Spiritual matters can never be divorced from nation-building. The logic here is that the body of a country is its infrastructure; roads, bridges and buildings. The soul of a country is its education system; dealing with the mind of the people, the mentality of the people and their attitudes. The third part of a nation is its spirit.

The spiritual academics element is the part that God deals with first. We seem to have placed this element last of all our national goals. In fact it was never a feature in some national development strategies.
When a human body moves, all three elements move together and always work in unison.


All three must, therefore, be developed equally. You don’t want to develop infrastructure when the people’s mentality is not developed, otherwise they will destroy the infrastructure through corruption because they do not have the morality and the values to protect it.


This is why it is important to strengthen the churches that supply the spiritual development of the people. We need to have ethics and an economy which must be balanced. Many countries focus on economics and forget ethics and end up with people with money who are crooks.

In Eswatini the level of corruption in the church has reached highly cancerous proportions and it must be slashed urgently before it is too late. The truth is whether we like it or not without a moral and spiritually developed society we have no solid foundation upon which to build our national dreams.

Colleen Matsebula

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