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Allow me to air my concerns on your reputable platform. It is disconcerting to me when I see a friend of mine fall under the spell of Marxism. Social media has been an enabling force for these people to spread their ‘oppression’ ideology to people who they never would have reached before.

Government right now is doing a good job by focusing its energy on critical matters and keeping these people in its peripheral vision. I applaud the wisdom of my government in the way it approached this matter. To the people who are wondering what I am talking about; well I am talking about the people who are spreading malicious lies on social media platforms.

This is a call for government to take drastic steps in drawing up and implementing boundaries of how far can people go when using social media platforms because there is just too much freedom without consequences for abusing these platforms. I know the internet is still relatively new for many in the country and we are still in the process of figuring out the good and the bad side of it but this is a serious issue that needs the attention it deserves.


Those who argue that social media allows them freedom of expression should think deeply about the impact of their ‘expressions’ on other people. I mean you can post a funny meme, you can post obscure content if you please and you can post your thoughts but to push an agenda claiming your right to free speech is appalling, especially when it has the potential of damaging our society and painting a bad image of our leaders. In my view, government is being very lenient on people who abuse social media platforms for their own agendas.

A young citizen

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