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Leadership is that positive influence we exercise on others for the betterment of society. We are all leaders because all of us have influence. A significantly successful life is not a creation of happenstance but rather a product of vision and an attitude of ‘never give up’. We must cultivate the habit of taking the long view in life to destroy the spirit of procrastination, which is usually the recipe for frustration and failure.

All the moments of success in life are usually the product of days, months, and even years of strategic thinking, planning and an organised lifestyle. Significant success usually takes years of toil and sacrifice.

As leaders, we must cultivate the ability to stick with something for an extended period of time. Most people easily give up when things don’t seem to work in their favour. Perseverance and diligence are important in the context of effective leadership. Never give up; a lifestyle of discipline is key to success.
In order to create a disciplined lifestyle, we must start by planning our day, breaking it down into segments of time for each activity, and then sticking strictly to the plan. Anything that tempts you to move away from your daily plan must be thrown out immediately.

We must not keep bad things around that may ultimately influence us to quit our journey to success. We must also learn to psychologically and emotionally push through our weak or quitting points in life. We must keep walking steadfastly each day, because our daily faithfulness will usually lead to extraordinary exploits later.


Usually failed dreams are a result of lack of discipline, broken focus and lack of determination. Leaders must be determined not to quit. Determination is the act of making up your mind about something. It is a position or opinion reached after serious consideration. Leaders never quit. When leaders concentrate their attention or energy on something, they refuse to quit, they stick with it. Where there is vision, there must also be determination and focus. Focus usually aligns leaders to what is important in the context of what must be achieved.

One of the most valuable traits in effective leaders is their ability to execute, get things done, and not give up when challenges arise. What is important is to take ideas from the realm of concept to completion. Peter Drucker once said; “Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.”

As leaders we must not procrastinate, we must keep the momentum and refuse to give up before the work is finished. Usually when we first articulate vision, and our goals in life, we pursue them with favour, determination and diligence; but then we get distracted and begin to concentrate on irrelevant things that are inconsistent with what we want to achieve. We then go through each day and week feeling discouraged, disappointed and kind of out of control. Stay focused and determined, great days are ahead of you. 


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