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My mind boggles every second I think of the fact that schools in the past three months have been at a standstill because of the pandemic, coronavirus. Apparently, the pandemic is here to stay for as much as everyone take the initiative to stop it from escalating predominantly.

At the moment, all learners in the kingdom are at home and they were promised that in July they will open gradually, Form V, final year students and form three and grade VII at a later stage.
However, this was reversed by government upon hearing that the rate of new infections adversely increased in a space of two days.


If we can be realistic, we are hiding under the rocks for floods instead of learning how to swim.
At this stage we really need to fight the war in two fronts; coronavirus and open schools but making sure that learners aren’t infected with the coronavirus. Our government is playing an incredible role to fight the spread of the pandemic. Nonetheless, life for students at home is really acute. Some have chosen not to bother about books anymore!


The programme introduced for learners to learn using the media was initially very helpful.  But the interest to some is slowly but surely decaying not to mention those who never ever bothered themselves to learn.
This is one of the acute experiences for learners. Decisions to help them are really taking a chameleon’s walk! What are they going write when the examination time comes?

Other business sectors had opened and the sale of alcohol has resumed. That’s to say people will buy and imbibe alcohol at the same time spreading the coronavirus.
It’s true that alcohol will be shared among consumers in the process the lives of those who doesn’t indulge alcohol are at stake. This is one of the recipes for disaster!

If learners are given a chance to learn, and all necessities to fight the spread of the virus are put in order there is hope that they can still make it.


Time has really been wasted and it will never be regained. Not only if we keep procrastinating are learners going to fail dismally but also the quality of education given to learners in this beautiful kingdom is going to be sabotaged.

In a nutshell, we are appealing sincerely to our government to swiftly make means to open universities and schools in the country. We can’t afford to lead our learners into a ditch where by thereafter we all live in shambles and regrets when they fail.

What about the expensive school fees paid by parents and students who are self sponsored in universities and colleges. This means their hard earned cash is being wasted. Remember, make hay while the sun still shines!

Wakhe Simelane

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