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Having watched, with a bleeding heart, as public funds are corruptly wasted on government vehicle procurement, repair and maintenance by many if not most Sub-Saharan African governments, I took it upon myself to propose plausible solutions in my book titled ‘Government Must Not Do Anything For Anybody’. The book is available online at Amazon Books. That book borrows heavily from another book titled ‘Re-inventing Government’ by David Osborne and Ted Gaebler, and also from yet another one titled ‘23 Things they don’t tell you about capitalism’ by Professor Ha-Joon Chang, among many other world renowned publications.


The problem is that, as Africans, we do not read. If we would read, then we would have no problems because all solutions to our daily problems are found in books and other literature somewhere and everywhere! For example, as the Eswatini minister of Finance recently pointed out, government must have absolutely no business engaging in public service delivery on the ground. Public service delivery must be left to the private sector because the private sector is the most efficient and most effective institution when it comes to practical service delivery on the ground, while government is the most in-effective and most inefficient institution for the same task. This is a fact that has been proven over and over again throughout history, thus it is not up for debate.


As far as solving the perennial government vehicle procurement, repair and maintenance headache is concerned, national governments must just privatise their government transport administration departments with immediate effect. Governments must farm out vehicle procurement, repair and maintenance to the best placed private sector organisations and not exclusively to corrupt-ridden, inefficient and ineffective centralised government transport administration departments.

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