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When we embrace our purpose in life, we must also of necessity embrace the power of inspiration. Successful people have a sense of purpose. 

When you know what you are here for, and where you are going, the world will step aside for you; even those who do not like you. 

To be consistent in your purpose is one of the secrets of success in life. Purpose will always create a sense of urgency in whatever we do. 

Purpose will literally kill the saying or attitude of ‘there is no hurry in Eswatini’. Purpose is a great enemy of complacency. 

To embrace purpose is to be inspired to move or make things happen. 


Embracing purpose usually inspires enthusiasm, thus successful people are usually enthusiastic in nature. 

Enthusiasm creates excitement, acceptance and confidence from people around us. In whatever we endeavor to do, we must exude the energy of enthusiasm because it will inspire those we come in contact with. 

The power of enthusiasm is like oil, it smooths our journey to destiny. 

We must therefore be enthusiastic about life and about our dreams and goals. 

When we begin to think enthusiastically, we will forget past failures and work on today’s possibilities. Purpose coupled with enthusiasm always gives birth to determination. 

All successful people exhibit exceptional determination in pursuing their purpose in life. They never give up until they succeed. Indecisiveness and determination can never, and will never share the same bed.


One of the qualities that make a difference between the weak and the powerful, the great and the insignificant is the power of inspiration. 

No matter how gifted or talented we may be, we won’t be able to move forward in life if we lack inspiration. Life is full of so many inconveniences, so only those who are able to draw inspiration from all situations, whether positive or negative, will keep the momentum. 

In order for us to stay inspired, we must also deliberately begin to inspire others around us by caring for them, and not being self-centered and selfish. We must show genuine love, care, and concern for others. 

When people are loved, they are inspired to become better workers and citizens. People want to be regarded as human beings, not as sounding boards for other people’s egos. 

They want to be treated as an end in themselves, not as a means towards the gratification of another’s vanity. When we appreciate and encourage others, and give them hope for the future, it will also keep us inspired to fulfill our purpose. 


In actual fact, building our family, friends, and colleagues is inspirational. When we help people to rise above their negative backgrounds, failures and mistakes, it will also inspire us to overcome our own shortcomings and help us focus on the importance of a better future. 

Inspired people are willing to unlearn behaviours or techniques that are no longer relevant to their present or future development. 



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