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Yes the coronavirus pandemic has come with a lot of challenges that we were not prepared for. It took us all by surprise. However, as a country we need to work on a lot of things and those things should include mechanisms that will make the country prepared for such occurrences should they come to our shores again in future.

I have heard and appreciate what both government and the private sector are doing to improve the state of our economy; yes it is a good job worth being appreciated. However, my main concern is the lack of funding and bursaries for students who want to enroll at tertiary institutions.

I stand to be corrected if I am wrong but with such poor access to institutions of higher learning, it will not be easy for the kingdom to attain what has been articulated in the economic recovery plan, including the First World status. Even though I am not an expert in the economic field but, I think easy access to tertiary education is among the fundamental areas essential for development. How I wish the current Cabinet can do something in order to help the nation realise the dream of having all those who want to further their education sponsored by government.


There are too many of us who are capable of doing well but, due to circumstances beyond our control we are faced by the reality of idling around as our parents do not have the funds to further our education. In Eswatini, once you fail to get government sponsorship through the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, you are doomed.

Please come to our rescue; we want to be better people tomorrow like you guys but, our backgrounds deny us that privilege since our parents cannot afford to pay tuition fees, accommodation and provide those essential tools needed for learning such as, laptops and tablets among a host of others. And going to university without government sponsorship makes tertiary life hard and unbearable. I hope all the relevant stakeholders will take this matter into  serious consideration.


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Should the administration of scholarships be moved from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to the Ministry of Education and Training?