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According to scripture, the male came first. Usually in life, the first determines or gives definition to the rest. Actually men are foundations of families, communities and nation.

The quality of men will usually determine the quality of that particular nation. This does not mean that men are superior but that they must be responsible for everything that goes on in families, communities and nations.

Manhood is not superiority but the male functions for the betterment of society.
In the biblical story of the fall of man, we learn that when Eve ate the fruit from the tree, which they were commanded not to eat from, nothing changed; but when she gave some of it to Adam to eat, things changed, because Adam was the final authority.


Our choices as men are usually fundamental in nature, therefore it is imperative for men to understand and take their position in families, communities and nation.
A lack of knowledge and understanding brings about ignorance, which in turn endangers the very foundations of our families, communities and nation.
When men lack knowledge and understanding of the basic and fundamental principles that regulate the function of the male in society, life in our homes, communities and nation goes off course and may end in various forms of failure.


The quality of men as a foundation of society will always determine the stability and value of any given society.
It is therefore essential for every man to develop and cultivate the qualities of a strong foundation, especially in terms of character, integrity and responsibility.
In order for a man to be effective and successful in his creative purpose, he was given what I call the four power Rs; relationships, responsibility, restrictions and residence.


The idea of being put in the garden brings forth the understanding that what you sow, you will also reap. Every word and action has a harvest in it.
The understanding that men are foundational to societal and national development, should not however, create attitudes of egotism, arrogance and pride in men, but rather bring a greater sense of responsibility on our part as men.

Men are not superior to women; they only stand in a place of responsible functions as relates to creation, as one that came first. As men we must embrace a code of moral conduct that should govern how we deal with our wives, children, colleagues etc.
Our function in terms of being foundational should not be an excuse to exert oppressive control. In the words of a song sung by Seal; ‘this is a man’s world but it would be nothing without a woman’.


The oppressive attitude of some men towards women and children is a reflection of ignorance about what a real man is.
Becoming a good man is not just automatic, especially when you’ve been raised by a dysfunctional father.

It will take a process of time and effort on our part to unlearn some things and learn how to be real men.
As men we must be willing to invest our time and energy to learn how to function as real men so that we are able to add purpose and value to our marriages, families, communities and nation.


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