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May I bring into light that Christianity is not a professional faith but a heart matter; yet people easily confuse theologians as men of god particularly by the world media. True Christianity has no requirement from God to be a scholar but it’s of the humble in heart and one is given as a gift to be a man of God but to be a man of the cloth is by man from man, Galatians 1:1,12. Jesus Himself had not theologically learned, John7:15 and so were his disciples, Acts4:13. Yet that doesn’t imply total illiteracy but exempt necessary measuring in a field as the world requires.

So, the Mazibuko hullabaloo is addressed and debated as a Christianity matter yet the man is just a theologian leading a man made denomination which theologically qualifies its preachers. Do people remember what the Lord Jesus taught in Matt6:24;no man can serve two masters for he will lean more to the other at the cost of the other one, so no man can be a theologian and a genuine Christian at the same time. Spiritually, no human capacity is truthfully able to be both a theologian and be a Christian at the same time. This is a devil’s lie sown in the church which unfortunately has been used as a measurement standard by the world people. But true Christians should make the difference here. The mourning period signifies the importance of the passed away individual in the lives of the mourners. So as for a wife which one has spent more than 20 years with, that should take a significant stretch of time recovering from that loss not dwelling on the remembrance as the Scripture branch of Ecclesiastes 9 was severed to defend one. The issue here is mourning not remembrance Mr Mazibuko, context please as a theologian.

The Lord Jesus said, we shall recognise pseudo preachers by their fruit. I laughed when I heard the alibi of returning from preaching and having someone to talk to, I thought Apostle Paul must have had it tough in his preaching journeys since he had no one, yet I think you have a different gift as a man here, 1Cor7:7. My appeal is that Bible school graduates must not be carelessly regarded as man of God but of the cloth as well put by the media. The fruits are clear and we don’t need the explanation of how they are formed to beg to differ.

Lastly, I repeat the subject matter on the table is mourning not remembrance saints so don’t be fooled here. That defence flies out of the window. Other reverends won’t condemn their own but if it was a so-called prophet the trumpets would be loud and clear from the church bodies. And all being said now, nothing should be a condemnation to hell for Mazibuko since no one has that right but Scriptural correction is made here. Any one who responds here must put scriptures not unwisely use a human point of view because the concerned person has put himself forward as a preacher so that confines the matter to be thrashed by scriptures in the Holy Bible. Ungabhayizi labanengi batakubona.


Thank you, 

Charles Abraham

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