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I have always wondered why we are different as humans if we were made by the Creator. 

According to my own level of thinking and analysis, back then, I saw it grossly unfair that some of us are lavishly endowed with some special; adorable and breathtaking gifts, skills and intelligence. 

This has always been my cry to God, and I have been petitioning Him on days on end before I came to the realization that the distinctions that exist between humankind are not meant to stimulate hate and unnecessary competition but they enable man to complement each other. 


Differences in people make us stronger than we can realize. Those who lack some special endowments, of any kind, hook up with those who are blessed with them, and this creates a well-coordinated unit of people. 

Ponder for a moment, and imagine a world where all humankind had the same skills, talents and intelligence quotient (IQ). 

That would evaporate the spirit of humanity and eliminate the oneness among us inhabitants of the universe. Pride would be the definition of mankind. Bad competition would be the order of the day, let alone jealousy. Distinctions between people have made the world what it is today.  If all scholars were all equally gifted in Mathematics, who would listen to each other? 


If all people were equally deposited with the same volume of knowledge, who would need advice from experts? The answer to these questions is an emphatic none. 

Shifting focus by an inch from special endowments, let us focus on the physical differences between human beings. 

Physical differences have the ravenous tenacity to cripple the self-esteem of a horde of people who don’t appreciate themselves. 

Towering people are often perceived as better than those who are diminutive. Brightly-colored people are preferred to individuals with dark complexions. This society is sick!

I would love to advise and assure humankind that we were all created for a purpose, and we are perfect for our purposes. We must draw extreme pleasure and gratefulness from the way we were made by God. He sculptured us with definiteness of purpose and we all have to live up to that standard. 

Here is a scriptural reading which gives me joy and comfort of no measure; “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and my soul knoweth right well,” Psalms 139:14. 

When rephrasing this biblical reading, God was afraid to commit a single mistake when He created us. He then deposited into us some wonders. Humankind is the work of the hands of the Creator, and we are a wonder, a marvel!

God was not bored when He created us. It is the average man’s thought that says just because you are not tall, you are a defect. 

It is high time we ignore the so negative talk about ourselves. We are a wonder, a marvel! 



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