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“When the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you shall be my witnesses (martyrés),” Acts 1:8. Dear bishops and priests, we stand at the beginning of the apocalyptic times. Some churches have publicly endorsed same-sex marriage laws and the Vatican has issued documents promoting ‘vaccination for all’, combined with chipping. The process of apostasy progressed in secret over a period of half a century and has reached its peak.

The spiritual darkness of the curse hangs like a dark cloud over Christianity and humanity today. 


In all apparitions, the mother of Jesus repeated what was most necessary for our salvation; ‘repent, repent, repent’! Unfortunately her voice was not listened to. Apostate Christianity calls down punishment on itself and on humanity. This punishment started with senseless pandemic and is to be followed by vaccination, chipping, reduction, and the lake of fire! The forces of darkness and lies have paralysed the truths of faith and God’s commandments.

As early as 2009, the president of the Bishops’ Conference of Germany publicly uttered the greatest heresy, saying Christ did not die for our sins but only offered solidarity with the suffering. The Vatican did not punish him. In the years 2008-2011, we, orthodox bishops of the Byzantine rite, in God’s authority, called on bishops around the world to profess the faith and renounce contemporary heresies.


The bishops concerned were reminded to be aware that if anyone did not profess the faith even after the third appeal and did not renounce heresies, he thus proved through his passivity that he was in unity with heresies and brought down on himself God’s anathema. We only made that spiritual reality public. If bishops had professed the faith, God would have given the light and strength for spiritual awakening. However, many bishops have been under anathema to this day, and are therefore in spiritual darkness.

Dear bishops, it has come to the crunch now. Some of you will be bloody or bloodless martyrs, and others Judases. You will either be saved or eternally damned. If you obey an apostate, you will betray Christ as well as your souls. In addition, by your bad example, you will be responsible for the souls entrusted to you. If you remain silent now when you are obliged to warn, you will be the cause of the eternal damnation of many. How will you stand God’s judgement?

You are obliged to reject the system of pre-programmed death. This requires heroism. But you, bishops and priests, do not have the light and strength to do so. Why? Because you are under a curse.

What can you do to become witnesses, martyrés, heroes of faith ready even to sacrifice your lives at the beginning of this apocalyptic age? You need the Holy Spirit. And the condition for receiving the Holy Spirit is repentance. “Repent, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit,” Acts 2:38. God is giving a new chance – through the repentance of bishops, priests and believers “He will destroy the veil that is spread over all nations…” (cf. Isa 25:7).


Elijah (Zatriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

Timothy (Secretary Bishop)

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