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Thank you for allowing me space in your newspaper. Be you. Nothing beats being the best version of yourself, I always say. However, merely saying it is never enough, so, I go an extra mile and do it. Nothing beats doing what best describes you.

Take for instance me, I always struggled to fit in a new environment- I would even be a stranger to myself. This was solely because I had this tendency of being shy. Just last year, one would have sworn I was trapped in a snails body. 

Months after the first lockdown, my work mates were utterly puzzled. Not all those around my circle were impressed though. Truth remains, thousands will hate you for being the true version of yourself, not all of us get the reason why change is so fundamental. 


Possibly so, only about 10 per cent of the thousand that is against your change will be filled with ecstasy upon learning the power of change in you.

My academic performance improved, let alone my mood. I always vibed whenever with people. Depression changed to everlasting laughter. Mood swings became a contagious smile- almost everyone envied it. Reminiscing, I felt proud and humbled at the same time for being a better changed version of myself. The change in me was and still is a hell of lot satisfying.

You know when not living a life of coveting, diseases become a foe to your body. Not necessarily trying to portray diseases as ailments that have ‘owners’ but come to think of it, stress caused by not being able to achieve things that the next person has achieved definitely attracts illnesses like iron fillings to a strong magnet. 

Taking you back to my scenario, waking up felt like a curse more than a blessing when I was still trapped in ‘someone’ else’s body. 


I could not wait for a night’s sleep right after making my bed in the wee hours of the morning- what is that? What I’m definitely aware of is that that is not life at all. I mean, life should be filled with positives more than negatives for a fellow to keep pushing forward. 

Do not get me wrong here, I am not trying to imply that change should come with the thoughts that sleep is not essential- get this straight, sleep is ‘more important’ than money. 

Think about this, can you imagine not having information that was stored in your short term memory being transferred to your long term memory solely because of sleep deprivation? I repeat, sleep is ‘more important’ than money!

Just after realising that I was living a life that was not mine, I told myself, “I should be me first before worrying about being the somebody else.” By so saying, I am not revealing that I was the coveting type or something but I just struggled to be me whenever I was a newbie in whatever environment. Coveting is never the remedy and will never be!

Do you think the country is benefiting anything when you are always depressed because of your coveting? Absolutely not! Yeah right, we live for ourselves not the people around us but do you think people enjoy your company? If not, are you happy about not being a source of glee to those around you? Are you happy about not being of any help to the folks around you? People should never suffocate in your presence- it is so unhealthy for you and them as well.

Only a compos mentis (sane) person would be overwhelmed with intense grief after realising that the person they are today (pretender) is nothing but suffocating themselves and the fellow persons around them. Carpe diem (seize the day), only as a converted fellow!


Siyanda Mzolo

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