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Life doesn’t militate against itself, but that life is for life and everything is connected to everything else. Things support each other in nature; there’s familial connection. Anything in nature that wars against life cannot live long, it gets wiped out. When one takes a rearward view of the history of the whole racial experience we find that antiquity had men and women who lived for life and not against life. Their life coach was nature, the reservoir of endless wisdom. These people created a sustainable system, a system of harmony, peace and balance in nature. When we collectively neglect the principles of nature, we create disorder and imbalance in communities.


When we study nature we get real by learning on how it works, and when we do that we are exercising wisdom because we are part of nature and we, therefore, learn the laws by which we, as nature, are governed. From scientists we learn about the interconnectedness of nature and that there’s interdependence and interrelatedness in life. When this enters our consciousness, we learn one of nature’s laws, cooperation. Nature in essence is about cooperation not rivalry, which often makes us see another as an opponent to be fought. If we were to see the world through the single eye of nature, we would be changed – changing the way we view and treat each other and earth. We will no longer swindle, steal, manipulate, backbite and abuse others; thinking that we are doing ourselves some service when we are actually injuring ourselves because we are one.


The other principle of nature is that life is for more life. Every living thing must continually seek for the enlargement of its life because life, in the mere act of living, must increase itself. What is meant by this is that the whole life force is for expansion and not for contraction. And that being the case it follows that nature gives life to all living things and were it to do the opposite it would nullify itself and be no more. You might have heard the saying; ‘life goes on as it never ends’. It would never end because it is forever increasing in the sense that life is for life. The lesson from nature is that you and I as part of nature. In order to establish harmony, peace, balance and have increase, we must give to life and not take from life.


The way to live for life and not be against life is to give to life; and the way we give to life is not violating rights of other people, injuring them, but do good to them. For one of nature’s laws is that he who lives with a sword shall die with a sword, or what you send out to others comes back to you, or when you do evil to others you are only doing it to yourself because you are connected to them. ‘Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better’, said Einstein. Nature’s laws are no respecter of persons. Whether you are a boss, a president or priest, king or commoner, rich or poor, bond or free, you pay the price if you violate life or other people. For other people are part of nature.

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