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One of the most important keys to a successful and effective lifestyle is discipline. All successful people are disciplined; and usually people only notice the success of someone without realising that almost 90 per cent of what entails their success is done away from the public eye. Top athletes and artists are as good as they are because they spend more time practicing and perfecting their skills before they come to the stage to perform. Self-discipline is the power that transforms a poor man into a rich man. We won’t be able to achieve great things as a nation if we lack discipline. Success is not an accident; it takes time, effort, commitment, energy and consistency.


Self discipline is the force that makes success in any sphere possible. Cultivating self discipline is the choice we should make and keep on upholding. We must train ourselves to act in accordance with what we want to see happening in our lives. Discipline demands that we establish a system of essential rules and duties that we commit to adhere to in order to achieve our objectives in life. Discipline is actually the quality of being well behaved in any given circumstance. It improves the quality of our talents and leads to skilled behaviour and performance.


A disciplined lifestyle can be achieved when we first come to that place in life where we discern and know what is important; understanding the times and seasons of life. We must be clear about what we really want in life. Once you get to that place of burning to achieve something, your habits will change, you will begin to hang around people who fan the fire in you, and your focus on the future will be so intense that you will divorce the unimportant. Your passion will always cause you to prioritise and systematically plan your life. Usually any lack of self discipline in our lives is a result of not knowing what is really important to us. What is really important to you? We must divorce the lifestyle of excuses and be serious. Sometimes you must do something right even when you do not feel like doing it.


We must practice self-discipline by not allowing distractive activities to steal our time. All successful men and women are time conscious. We must understand that every minute matters. Our days on earth are numbered and our time is so limited, it must be used wisely and profitably. Self-discipline will keep you going in life even when it hurts and people around you do not seem to understand your struggles.  Life can get so busy and complicated sometimes, nevertheless always tell yourself, ‘It’s not over until I finish what I came to do on earth’. You do not need extraordinary intelligence, gifts or talents to fulfill your purpose, just be focused , cultivate your gifts and talents, and develop your discipline capacity.

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