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When you vividly look at today’s world, citizens are becoming more and more inhumane, uncontrollable and dangerous. Every month we hear news of people being abused, killed and tortured to death. What makes people do such painful acts? We hear of couples who have been happily married ending up killing one another. Is it because they are bad people; that is why they commit atrocious murder? Not really because others are absolutely caring, loving and responsible when it comes to their families. When I hear that a man has killed his wife or girlfriend, before I reach a conclusion, I try to understand exactly what caused him to think of doing such a terrible thing.


Almost a year ago it came to my attention that a God-fearing man had killed himself and his loved one, the one he was supposed to protect. I tried to find out about a lot of things about him, especially his personality and character, and it dawned on me as it was clearly unpacked that he was humble, respective, kind and generous. It, therefore, tormented my mind why he decided to do such a terrible thing to a person he was supposed to love. I was convinced that if he could be brought back to life, he would regret what he did with all his being. So this got me thinking and wondering what was really happening behind closed doors. What was really happening in relationships that was being kept away from public scrutiny?


The real undeniable fact is that not all souls who committed murder were capable of doing that. If  a woman could  recognise that the man she was married to had the potential to kill, she  would not live with him. No matter what the circumstances, no woman would risk her life by intentionally marrying a crook, murderer or liar. Women marry men whom they think will be  good husbands. If I was a pastor I would say there is demonic influence that takes over once anger erupts in a human being. People nowadays do not know how to control anger, but instead it takes control of them. It even leads the most responsible of citizens into committing murder. Nowadays people are easily angered, they lose themselves, they lose their senses and that is why they act so violently and weirdly, which is not supposed to be the case.

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