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Greetings to the reader who has a great taste by choosing to read my article. Considering my life from my first cry being in this third planet and numerous events that take place in this earth has pushed me to share my line of thinking, in order to find out whether even you guy’s minds are wired like mine. To begin with, isn’t crazy how strong love is. For me that’s the most powerful thing His Almighty brought to earth before bringing my most beautiful spouse.


Love, not only for your romantic partner but for your mum, friends , siblings and so many other relations; the lengths you’d go for these people is infinite. You’d do anything for those you love; but the tragedy of love is that, it’s a cousin to hatred. Whenever love changes to hatred it’s in it’s most dangerous phase. Take for instance, if you were to discover your friend or lover betrayed you, what is it that you feel first?. Exactly my point. With hatred, you’d do anything evil just to even things, you can even kiss the devils ugly feet that hasn’t been washed in years just to feel the satisfaction of revenge.


I also found it funny that two grown adults who conceived a baby and later decided to part ways for whatever reasons. Not blindly ignoring how unfortunate, unfair and emotionally disheartening it is to grow up without living under the same roof with both parents is. Or the fact that it has even went on to being normalised as if it were a good thing. The amusing part about all of this is how parents make it as if there was never a time where they thoughts of themselves as Bonnie and Clyde, or that they know each other as Adam and Eve.  I literally saved the best for last, believe me. God. This man is more than just a man. Firstly,because he’s an exception to the ‘boys are trash’ conversations. He’s a promise keeper. The perfect lover. He’s a rescuer in your life. He’s a man with trillion of solutions to any present problem. I really can’t understand how God was a Man when he’s so in love with attention and showboating.


I mean people could count you out of situations that you have even ruled yourself out of, only for him to place a meal right in front of your enemies. What kind of a man is that. It has to be a man who was conceived in a different manner than the usual one. It has to be a man who would go all out to look for one lost sheep even when there’s 99 sheep at his disposal. A man who is not so much of a mathematician but knows when the right timing for your life to be a success is; a man who doesn’t count your wrongs but is more concerned about you surrendering your whole being to him. There are so many ‘Trevor Noah’ incidents I would’ve loved to point out but I have chosen to leave them out; for what will be the joy of reading this article without you having to add other cases of your insane or sane experiences about the life we live.

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