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There are three kinds of people; those who make things happen, those who watch things happening and those who wonder what happened. Those who wonder what happened always feel the consequence of what was happening. George Bernard Shaw once said; “Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those doing it.” Last week, a number of primary and high schools in the country experienced what can be described as a shock of their lives when students from the University of Eswatini invaded their schools and forced them out of class.


An African proverb says: “When two bulls fight, the grass suffers.” With that said, pupils in schools must not be disturbed by tertiary students who have their own agenda. Why would a primary pupil be forced to join a protest and let go of a chance of acquiring knowledge to be able to reach tertiary level like those who are already there. When tertiary students are so close to making their dreams come true, why would they decide to jeopardise that of their younger brothers and sisters? It’s high-time that every citizen of the country first understands the outcome of every action they intend to take. Without a doubt, it is known that when you are a tertiary student in our country, the struggle is real, you go through different challenges.
 Allowances are sometimes delayed, the learning environment is sometimes not conducive, you are swamped with assignments, and many other issues that are known by students, but this should not in any given day make you think of depriving someone else of their right while trying to secure yours.


It won’t be a country if you will do anything that comes to your mind; you have to think of the consequences before making every decision. It is worth noting that we are not against nor for protest actions, but the main concern is the future of the school-going children who have been delayed for about two years now. If you are working, try sort out your struggles without affecting those at tertiary level in any way. If you are at tertiary, try by all possible means not to disturb or force those at the lower level of education because everyone has the right to decide. It is also important to take note of Bertolt Becht’s statement when he says: “ The worst illiterate, is the political illiterate, he doesn’t hear, he doesn’t speak, nor participate in political events.


“He doesn’t know the cost of life, the price of beans, of fish, of flour, rent, shoes and of the medicines, all depend on political decisions. The political illiterate is so stupid that he is proud and swells his chest, saying that he hates politics. The imbecile doesn’t know that, from his political ignorance is born a sex worker, an abandoned child, thieves of all kinds, bad politician, corrupt and flunky of national and multinational companies.” This statement clearly explains that everyone is directly or indirectly involved in political matters, but it is key to be knowledgeable about it.

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