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As a country, do we understand what we are doing? Are we making decisions because decisions must be made or because we understand the depth at which decisions must be made, together with the repercussions of which will be a result of these decisions? Observation and research have proven that the pitfall of broken governance is one where accountability cannot be directed. For every decision and for every reason, we dig deeper into this sinkhole as we face this crisis, is a result of a decision made by someone, there ceases to be anyone held accountable. The question then becomes one of governance structure, is the problem in the decision itself or the process in which decisions are made, or perhaps both?


To an extent what metrics or yardsticks are used to gauge the implementation of possible solutions when decisions are to be made? Perhaps the problem is in the criteria of leadership that a person in power cannot possess all qualities to sustain good leadership. Our government can be good at sustaining peace and not so good in decisiveness. While one can seem to make up for the part in which we lack – the price is too big to pay, and our present is a defining moment of this.


We have been presented with a life or death situation, a test of leadership. And in the language of our uppity youth, government has responded ‘give me zero ma’am’ and we are now spectators, front row seats as we wait to see how bad the crash will be, if we survive to even watch it. A few weeks ago we applauded a step towards what looked to be a step in the right direction only to get a curve ball and we are left not only with no faith in our leadership but with also no one to hold accountable. From millions upon millions being listed for so-called national projects, without any explanations as to where and how this money was to be spent. Is the money being spent on the cause and who decides how these funds are to be used and who further ensures that they are not misused?


There are many questions, many issues in our governance and we are only coming to terms with the epiphany that decisive leadership is something we need, and it can only be effective when it is at par with accountability. Until we have accomplished the spirit of decisiveness in our government, then we can only pray that every person thrown into the ocean can swim like a fish.

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