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It is the responsibility of any responsible government, whether democratic, military etc, to provide facilities that will make life worth living for its citizens. Schools, hospitals, good roads, portable water and in fact good infrastructure from where services are rendered to the people. It is also the responsibility of responsible citizens to maintain, protect and preserve the facilities for their maximum benefit and that of future generations. The recent wave of arson attacks by insidious enemies of the State and its citizens, which have resulted in the destruction of public and private structures established for their own good, leaves much to be desired.


Of what good is it, for instance, if a science lab, library, classroom furniture etc are set ablaze by arsonists who may include people who need the facilities the most. This causes weeping, because an ox that decides to mess up the street with its excreta ends up messing its own tail. If opposition politicians are using us for the destruction of our own public and private property in order to render the country ungovernable, and paint those governing black in the eyes of the public, then we are, of all people, miserable. This is because in the end, the promises and high expectations will remain a mirage and a very good reason for the non-fulfillment of promises and high expectations, which will be the repairs of the damaged infrastructure. Politicians in Eswatini are not different from those in Zimbabwe, Malawi etc, if you meet a population of monkeys, their sizes may be different but their facial features are the same.


Our system of government, in my opinion, is very suitable for our setting; it only needs some modifications here and there, and these can be raised during the national dialogue. If this system had been developed by any of the so-called developed nations, it would have been given all the accolades any good thing deserves. It would have been given a catchy name like ‘Grassroots Democracy’, but once it originates from Africa, it can never be good. Finally, as we all prepare for the much anticipated dialogue, I pray we all attend that important meeting with unprejudiced minds, so that we can call a spade a spade and not a garden implement for the good of our beautiful kingdom.

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