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If a great number of people think in a certain similar way, they will do what they think about. If what they think about is freedom, they will impress and express their thoughts and freedom is what they will get. If they follow a certain way of doing things to get what they want, they will, no doubt get what they want. If this certain way is closed on them, they will find another way. If again and again they are denied what they want and each of the ways of doing things is blocked, then, again and again they will find other ways of doing things that will get them what they want.


If a path taken by water is closed, it will find another way. If all its possible paths are blocked, the water will naturally accumulate until that certain blockade cannot hold the water.
If every path taken by emaSwati to get what they want is blocked, that blockade will reach a certain point where it cannot hold the people of Eswatini. The example given above may be argued and most certainly disputed, let me make my point further. Some will certainly argue that water does not take one path, so in siSwati, ‘bantfu abayi ndzawonye abasiwo emanti’. What this means is that we cannot have the same idea of what must happen. Some see the continuing struggle for political reforms as pointless and unnecessary.


Some believe in the current system, for  some it is working fine and it benefits them vastly. It is true that we are not water, we cannot take one direction.  Even as water goes in one direction, but it also does not take one path. My point is, if most of the people take a certain direction, even as they may not take one path in that certain direction, either way, the power presented and delivered by those people will definitely burst the blockade. At the present moment, we have a great number of people going in a certain direction. There is an original thinking stuff from which all things are made, the Supreme. This is according to Wallace D Wattles. If the desire of the original thinking substance is that his people be freed from bondage he will also act in a certain way to set his subjects free.

He will not loosen the hearts of those keeping his people in bondage. This thinking substance will fill his people with the spirit and power to act in that certain way they have chosen to get what they want. We have a certain thought, and that is for a free political sphere in Eswatini. This certain thought has made us, emaswati, to act in some certain ways to get what we want. We have been blocked by forces in all the paths that we have taken. There will get a point when the will of the people will overcome the forces acting against them. And a dam blast, I assure you, that burst is never pretty.

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