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When one asks others why they indulge in alcohol, they say it relaxes them. Well, meditation does exactly the same, resets the body to heal itself and calms the entire body and mind.  
Upon watching a medical programme I learned that the liver can only process a quarter glass of alcohol an hour and once the liver becomes ‘fatty’ it is difficult for some to heal as scarring occurs as a result, among others alcohol abuse.


The liver is the chemical factory of the body performing numerous vital functions. Besides the above I have often wondered as I jog and see all the broken bottles on the side of the road, thrown out by some unconscious person, why many do not ‘deal with their problems’ instead of avoiding them by buffing them with alcohol. My personal experience with those who consume alcohol is that when under the influence of alcohol women behave in a manner which leaves a lot to be desired. Many forget they are attached and allow men to touch them in inappropriate places besides of course, even becoming promiscuous.


I have heard men the day after ‘a good time’ saying they felt like ‘throwing out the woman they awoke beside’ because in their normal senses they would never have bedded such a person. Men do not marry their ‘good time women’, they look for wife material and that is my humble opinion. As the effect of alcohol differs from person to person, it is incumbent upon the consumer to know which drinks make them aggressive, intolerant and dangerous besides of course becoming inebriated. Since most people cannot behave once under the influence one wonders why they do not just deal with whatever they are so desperately endeavouring to buff. I am told it helps them temporarily ‘forget’. Upon sobering up the problem resurfaces and of course it must now appear humongous.


The wonderful thing about accepting where we are, taking ownership and dealing with it is that so long as we take action the problem diminishes for what we resist will persist and what we acknowledge disappears. Certain say a glass of wine daily is good for the heart but studies have shown that even a cup of tea does exactly the same. You may say I am biased but once you have been subjected to abuse by intoxicated people, cut by broken bottles you cringe at the mere sight of a bottle of beer! Love yourself enough to take care of your liver after all, you only have that body to live in during this lifetime.

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