Many people speak when they have nothing specific to say. The energy they emit is picked up by others instantly. I personally believe when one is in the presence of another, it is not important to talk the entire time. It is also good to permit one the opportunity to absorb the energies that surround one and to take in those energies. That is what I mean when I say we must live the moment. Vocalisation from within is vocalisation with consciousness. Since the secret to manifestation is thought, vocalisation, manifestation, when speaking with strong conviction, belief and emotion that one will receive or do what they are saying, they bring into being what they vocalise.
‘I am’ are the most powerful words one can utter. There is a great difference between ‘I am going to Mbabane’ and ‘I will try to go to Mbabane’. Merely reading these two statements makes one aware of the power in the first statement. The second statement denotes struggle, difficulties, doubt. Where there is doubt, nothing can come into being. Our choice of words, as we all respond to words, denotes how much we will achieve. If every single time we opened our mouths to speak, we would recognise, appreciate and utilise the power within us from source, the God within each of us, we would not vocalise anything negative for we would recognise the power of destruction we have in such a small organ called the tongue.
Use the tongue to build, not only to build others, but to build your own life. Speak your dreams into being. When ill and whenever questioned on how I was feeling, I would always say ‘I am feeling so much better’. The vocalisation of these words made me believe I was getting better. I would overcome illness. Pretty soon I found myself walking about without assistance. Likewise, whenever the intention was to vocalise something negative, I would ask myself if I say this, will it assist anyone.
If the answer was no, it was best left unspoken. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. If you have to say it, put in a manner that will not hurt anyone. If you can recall the excitement at starting a new project, the zest with which one speaks about it and the fact it is in one’s mind day and night, or even falling in love – one cannot stop one’s emotions, one is so overwhelmed by the emotions that one is feeling that one cannot contain themselves. Everyone who sets eyes on one mentions how radiant one is looking. In fact, we leave some sparkle wherever we go. Why can we not be that way always, for we are light and from love we were created?
In speaking to others, we give them a great deal of ourselves. We use the most powerful tool we have, the tongue to express what is in our mind and since thought creates we transmit creation from source, our souls, the God within us to the person we are speaking to. Have you ever thought of this?
The God I serve does not judge, does not look down upon any part of His creation, is humble, yet our speech and mannerisms in a number of instances fall short. Speak, trust and believe the intent with which you say something will bring it forth. That is how powerful speech, vocalisation is. Use it for your good and the good of all concerned. Use it to build not to destroy. If you cannot help someone, at least do not hurt them. Remember to say ‘I am a likeness of God! I have God within me! I am unique! I am powerful! I make a difference in this space in this time! The power to create is within me right now!’ May you henceforth appreciate your God given attributes!
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