Kindly allow me a space in your widely read newspaper to voice out what I see in our big cities. Yes, our government has pumped more money to education in Eswatini. It is true. But my question is where are the graduates? Are they all employed? Where? Did our government benefit from them? Who employed them? Why are they still roaming the streets in our big cities? What is it that one must do so that they can be employed by our government?The number of unemployed youth in Eswatini is high. Finding a job is difficult even for those with qualifications. Kulukhuni vele nje.
The people who are supposed to make noise about this issue are quiet. But why guys? We have seen young graduates going to street corners to beg for jobs. It is a sad reality for a number of graduates. Without education these days you are useless, you are like a river without water. The high number of young people who are jobless is a serious concern. The truth of the matter is that they do not just wake up one morning and then decide to go to a street corner to pass time. What leads them to go to street corners in cities? Job scarcity is their problem. They are desperate and desire to contribute to the country’s economy. Maybe one day they will be employed. I hope the Ministry of Education will do something about this after reading. Right now, we are all talking about Vision 2022 this and that. The country is suffering from skills shortage yet we have graduates sitting at home with their skills that could help to make the economy grow. What do we really want from them? Universities and colleges should help graduates in securing internships or employment after they have completed their studies. The country has thousands of skills, yet unemployed young people are at home doing nothing. Are they all supposed to go to street corners and beg for jobs? Sir, there has to be a better way for our young people to find employment. The fact that young people go back to street corners and taverns where they pass time because they have no jobs is painful.
These are taxpayers.
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