It is imperative that we take stock of where we are coming from and where we are going. In my view, we are actually moving away from First World status and moving deeper to the bottom end of Third World countries, judging by the inability of our government to be proactive on issues that matter the most.
Ours is indeed a very, very sad situation. After 54 years of independence, our country has dismally failed to rectify our national needs when it comes to electricity, instead our government found it appropriate that the country should rely on external sources for the supply of such a critical utility.
What exactly makes our government and leaders so ineffective when it comes to implementing projects that will benefit the entire country?
Surely, as a nation we deserve much better than this mediocre service that we are getting from our leaders. If as a country we import about 90 per cent of our electricity requirements from other countries, what hope do we have that we will achieve the 2022 First World vision? As far as I know, no First World country is subjected to load-shedding; it only happens in Third World countries.
We are the only country in southern Africa that is still maintaining the colonial travel document. Surely, if we want to be classified as a First World country, we don’t need that. The citizens of this country need passports, not travel documents that were implemented by colonial masters who believed that the indigenous people did not deserve to travel the world. The swift action and decision-making that our leaders display when dealing with issues pertaining to their welfare makes me conclude that they are really capable of making decisions as long as the motivation is personal gain.
It is indeed intriguing that as a country we continue paying our leaders for supposedly leading us, we should not be paying them for misleading us. Someone once said; ‘It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.’ For Eswatini, it is clearly in our moments of indecision that our destiny is being shaped.
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