A policeman was dead and lying in a pool of his blood, when a boy and his father watched the scene. The boy asked his father: Who is this man in the pool of his blood? I do not know, son, I just know that he was a police officer, the father responded.The young boy approached a person who was dressed in a beautiful uniform different from the others, very elegant. It was the commander of the unit where the policeman worked. The boy took his hand and asked: Could I know what a cop is? The officer responded in a trembling voice and his eyes were full of tears: A policeman/woman is a person who sleeps less than many people, passes cold, sun, rain and hunger. And there are times that he/she has no holiday, Christmas, New Year and many other important moments. He/she is far away from the family, their children when they are sick, or their husband/wife as well as their parents and siblings.A police officer receives insults, physical assaults, cries, suffers and many more things that happen in the line of duty. When he leaves for his job, very early, he does not know if he will return home alive.
This is part of what a police officer is. Suddenly he heard the sound of a phone that rang in the pocket of the deceased officer. The officer left the child for a moment to take the cellphone. When he saw it, he realised that it was his home. He saw that it was a message, and in a very low voice he read: (Hello Daddy, I took my mother’s cell phone to write this message:
I want to congratulate you on your birthday. I look forward to giving you your present because it has been two days that you could not be at home. So today we will cut the cake.
Today we will be together as a family. I love you dad, you’re my super dad. A kiss.... I’ll wait for you at home.) Such is the life of a ‘policeman and women’. Whatever their unit, whether operational or administrative.
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