“I lift up my eyes to the hills – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.” What had propelled David to write this Psalm surely emanated from the deepest understanding of the power wrapped around spoken words. Spoken words, in their disposition, have the power to break protocols and prophecies; as long as they are purely spoken from the heart. Eventually, David ate the fruits of his spoken words.
We must always be conscious of the words we speak; our inner most thoughts possess extraordinary and supernatural powers that when uttered, depending on their positivity and negativity, can be materialised. Imagine harnessing negative thoughts and then end up through the word of mouth uttering them. Not only does this breed dire outcomes but can also cause havoc on pure souls. Some of us are always wondering about the way things turn out to be in our lives. Even though we work hard; at work, schools and in our respective communities but because of the way we speak, our efforts prove to be futile. Why are we always on the verge of poisoning our well-being through the words we speak every day?
For proven facts, spoken words always manifest into reality. The dominion given to us initially over nature is our judge regarding the words we speak. Most of the time we speak everything directly to nature and by virtue of creation, nature listens to us. This is a must-do! There come us, scuttled and scuffled by life challenges; day and night pondering profusely and speaking to ourselves that we are going nowhere, nothing will ever come around and we are of course nobodies. What do we expect the end results to be? They’d be definitely directly parallel to our thoughts!
My ‘die for’ wish, just like David did; is to see people speaking words of great value, words that resemble positivity from the mantle and words that of course will display positivity. It is to live in a society where in spite of everything, we come out with more than everything. Through the words we speak this is all possible. There is nothing of impossibility in spoken words. Let’s thrive and fight tirelessly to speak positive things to us. Before you even speak positivity to another person, do a self-introspection; do I speak positive enough to influence the next person?
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