We need a strong private sector to develop and grow the economy. If government keeps expanding at a faster pace than the private sector, the more dead weight government will absorb and carry at the expense of taxpayers. That dead weight will keep demanding more cost of living adjustments while the economy continues to shrink. A lopsided public sector is all the reason why government keeps increasing and sneaking in new types of taxes. Government jobs simply mean meeting about meetings, processing forms, approving or declining business and general public requests, being important, among many other useless routines that can be automated. The question is; who will be brave enough to trim all the dead weight, automate government processes and services, and leave a lean public sector that will perhaps cost government less to run?
We need to cut useless spending and ensure that government officers and top officials are able to account for every second, minute, and hour they spend on government’s payroll. We are simply tired of people getting paid to do nothing so that at the end of the year they can demand more pay and benefits. The whip must be cracked on performance targets within all ministries including within the inner circle of Cabinet itself.
In the private sector when a person does not do the job, they get fired and this should be the case in the public sector. Enough with the transfers that keep rotating useless officers from one department to another. The country needs to cut the bloated ministries, parastatals and commissions. There is a lot of duplication of work within government yet it still takes ages to get anything done. Another factor that must be considered is for government to cut tax and put money in people’s hands. We are exhausted by all the tax we have to pay. It costs money even to get out of the house now. The economy cannot get anywhere if people do not have money in their pockets, if the little bit of money they make government finds ways to take it so it can pay for its out of control expenditures. Emaswati have suffered and the taxman needs to cut us some slack. The country is in ruins because of poor leadership and the people the system kept over years without allowing new and fresh minds to shake the way government does its business. We need to try new ways of growing the economy and take all the economic and social policies that have collected dust in the different ministries with a grain of salt.
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