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I have listened to the service at Mandvulo Hall over and over. Unfortunately, I could not resist focusing on it as we think aloud in this article. It is interesting that the King hosts these services from time-to-time but this particular service was, in my view, the most powerful. We all know that men of God who are given an opportunity to preach face either praise or criticism, based on the messages they deliver.

  Allow me to share a few things the Man of God shared in a bid to reflect on what I heard God say to us as a nation. In this service  Bishop Vilakati’s message was  imploring the nation to seek God,  for in God there is joy, hope and power. Rev Mabuza’s message beseeched God Almighty to heal our nation from bitterness, anger and broken hearts. Bishop Kasaru shared five pillars  of unity. He noted that pillars support a structure and pillars support each other.  The  pillar of vision  unites people. Then the pillar of truth. He was pained by manifestation of lies in our land and that many follow lies. He noted that the truth stands the test of time and builds societies.


He quoted Jesus when he said; “I am the way, and the truth.” He implored the nation to speak the truth and  live the truth. The pillar of love fosters unity, builds family and society whilst the pillar of peace fosters joy, happiness and fosters unity. On the pillar of humility, he noted that Jesus washed his disciples, noting that ‘whoever wants to be great must be a servant of all’ Pontius Pilate on the other hand washed his hands and said he had nothing to do with the Jesus matter.

The nation is going through unprecedented challenges which   have left so many in deep  pain.   This includes among others Covid-19, which devastated individuals, families and the whole nation. While many were grieving the loss of relatives, colleagues and friends,   there was the civil unrest which added fuel to the fire and left many families devastated with loss of loved ones and properties. There was call for investigation, which would help families to find closure and the nation to find the root cause of the problem.  


The indifference did not help calm the waters, instead the situation got worse, as death and loss of property continued. Also critical is the crisis of service delivery, as drug shortages has become a norm, student protests on scholarships has destabilise their training and  mob justice, just to mention a just a few. The prayer acknowledged that we are in deep trouble. I was taught early in the Evangelical church that when God speaks it is dangerous to be self-righteous and think God is speaking to others. What I learnt is to always open my heart for God to illuminate with His Word. Hence, I view this service as  directed to all  emaSwati regardless of  social standing, age,  class to mention a few. I am reminded of Jesus, where He came to the synagogue and opened a scroll in Luke 4: 17-21.  It reads ‘and the scroll of the Prophet Isaiah was handed to him.


Unrolling it he found a place where it said ‘The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners, and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free and to proclaim the day of the lord’. He then said; “Today the scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”  Jesus is the answer to  all our problems. He came to give life abundantly. This national prayer has reminded all of us of the pain we are going through.    

Hence, we were implored to seek Gods face earnestly, we were urged to besiege God to heal our land. We have been given five pillars of unity: Vision, love, truth, peace and humility.  Former President Zuma in his remarks implored this nation to engage in dialogue to avoid what South Africa experienced, where many lives were lost.  


In James 1:22 it says; “For if anyone is hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forget what he has seen.” God has spoken in an audible voice to all of us as a nation especially  leaders at all  levels and sectors of society.  Downplaying the deep crisis the country will be tragic. I thank God  for  His special message. Dialogue underpinned by humility will save us from total destruction.  Thank you Lord!

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Should the administration of scholarships be moved from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to the Ministry of Education and Training?