It has reached the most fragile chambers of my heart to have noticed how disillusioning the youth of Eswatini can be. A lot of opportunities have been drowned and carried away by streams of fear, doubts, negativity and lack of motivation to mention a few. The slow development of people’s mental faculties results from the unwillingness to try new things in life. The lack of wisdom and direction has perplexed, led astray pure intentions into a jungle of uncertainty and insecurities.
From a word as little as go, an unpredictable journey begins but only zeal and dedication can make it possible. For so long now, the word ‘go’ to the youth of Eswatini has been taken of a suggestion not a command for they do not understand the arbitrariness with it. People would starve themselves economical, social, psychological and physical freedom because they are all scared of commitment, failure and other people’s view points. I swear on the names of all the gods and goddesses if need be, unless you fail, fall, hurt, crash, you will never understand the essence of going even if you feel like the whole world is at your shoulders. Those who believe in the power of the word go shall experience divine transformation. I quote the Messiah in Matthew 9:6, “ Get up, pick up your mat and go home!” And a miracle followed the paralytic man , that’s the healing power of the word go!
At times, an alluring tree is cut at face value yet the roots are striving towards a second coming. Being completely down and distorted doesn’t mark the end of the race so one needs to brace it and begin to walk by grace again, hence failure is not fatal. The taste of success comes with blood sweat and all you have to do is apply your elbow grease because it is the best polish.A plan can fail, ideas may fail consecutively which doesn’t make you a failure, but a persistent wanna be winner. When you were first given a pencil to draw a picture at school and obviously failed many times until you got it right, did it hinder you from growing?
When all the greater forces you hailed to have failed miserably and totally devastated, the only person you can wish to be is yourself. The development of high self-esteem calls for accepting who you are and staying true to that. A lot of people can concur with me when I say, one major cause of failure is phony characters that shadows the only true person in you. In the quest of success, let people promote what you truly are, not just a fictional personnel that will turn up to be a havoc in disguise. I turn purple with rage and become grossly vandalised when I see people choosing fantasy names to escape reality. Nothing in this world is dime a dozen, even impersonating what you believe in pays a hefty price after that, so it is ideal for one to take-off his mask as early as possible.
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