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Great minds of all time have attempted to partition the world we live in into two, spirit and matter. Spirit being what is not visible; the underlying stuff that gives life to the universe. Matter is the visible and tangible material we can see with our eyes and touch or feel with our physical bodies. Science calls this invisible life force energy. Philosophers call it universal intelligence. Spiritualists and other philosophers also call it God, while religion, particularly Christianity, calls it the Spirit of God or Light of Christ. This universal intelligence is the law by which all things are governed in the universe. Nothing comes to life but by it.


It is in all things and through all things, and round about all things. I believe it is through this spirit that we live, move and have our being. Probably Paul meant the same thing when he said; “In him we live, and move, and have our being,” Acts17: 28. The mind, man’s mind, is part of this great spirit, whereas the brain is matter. Your body is matter, and what lives in the body and gives life to it is spirit – your spirit. This spirit is beginningless and endless. It has always been and ever will be. When it is united or is married to the body, it gives it life. Speaking of this union, some philosophers have spoken about ‘the ghost in the machine’.  Some great Greek philosophers have suggested that the body is limiting to man and ought to be escaped forever if we want to be free.


In other words, death liberates mankind from the limiting effect of the body. But Christ teaches that the body is important for the eternal progression of mankind, hence He taught about resurrection – an eternal reunion of man’s body and himself (spirit), and never to be separated again, which gives man eternal and fullness of joy. We are made to believe that each of these two (spirit and body) cannot have the fullness of joy without the other. In all of nature, living things have intelligence or spirit that gives them life. Both animals and vegetation are propelled by their spiritual self. It seems like even non-living things have a spirit too. When we talk of marriage, we usually mean two distinct things coming together to make one. But when it comes to the marriage between the spirit (or mind) and matter, the argument goes even further. The spirit produces the physical (matter) in the universe.


Mind, which is spirit, produces and has produced all that which we call matter, the physical things in the universe. All the man-made things are the product of the spirit or mind of mankind. This takes us to the belief that all things are created twice. There’s the spiritual creation first before its physical transmutation. The spiritual creation (blue print) happens in the mind, its physical equivalence happens in the visible world. It is by thought that the physical world is brought to existence. I think it is not absurd to conclude that all that which we call matter and all that which we call spirit is matter. These are two forms of matter differing only in degrees. Spirit matter is subtler and finer, whereas physical matter is gross matter.

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