In a country full of lovers, partners, brothers, uncles and neighbours taking advantage and abusing the women in their lives, and women constantly living in fear because they feel attacked and everyone seems to be a potential abuser, it is always gratifying to come across men who are prepared to do all they can to fight against gender-based violence (GBV) against women.
Violence against women is typically characterised as a women’s issue, but the truth is, since the vast majority of perpetrators of relationships and sexual violence against women are males, the problem is equally a men’s issue. We know that the vast majority of men do not use violence and care deeply about the well-being of their mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, partners and friends.
Yet, very few men view violence against women as their issue. I personally believe that having more men join this fight and take it upon themselves to educate bystanders, those who don’t commit violence and abuse, but know it is happening around them, will go a long way towards preventing violence against women and girls. When people learn about men who have taken their time to do something against violence and educate communities whenever they can, they will be encouraged to examine their attitudes and behaviours that allow violence against women to happen in our societies and encourage people to speak up about violence and become part of the solution.
The United Nations defines violence against women as any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.
Who would not want to see this end, mara? I do hope that organisations which are working towards ending violence against women will give such men support in all forms, and that the communities they work in will be welcoming and open to learning and take it upon themselves to be part of the fight against GBV!
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