This letter serves as a notification to all who call themselves Christians yet they are self-seeking of the things of this world. They have befriended the world. The Word of God says; “Do you not know that you are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you. If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy them; for the temple of God is holy. Which temple are you? Let me assure my brothers and sisters in Christ that this is not an attack to any of you, nor do I judge you. However, walk in holiness, keeping the temple pure. May the God of peace sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord.
A true Christian would at all cost distance himself/herself from body embellishments and beautification, for whosoever does these things is building another image of himself/herself.
The worldly attachments in the form of gold, make-up, artificial hair and nail polish create a door for the demons to have a legal right to your life. Jesus does not recognise them. People, especially women, dress in fashion clothes, while adorned with all vanity; jewellery, artificial hair and nail polish. What is the difference between the people who frequent clubs and bars and those who beautify their bodies? This is the state of people in God’s Church today.
You cannot tell the difference from those who are in the world (clubs and fashion shows) and the ones ‘saved’ by the Blood of Jesus. They call themselves Christians but they have sealed themselves with heathens and pagan accessories, doing the will of the devil which was done by Jezebel. Women should wear natural hair, not any artificial long hair. Embellishment of the body corrupts the heart and exalts the flesh. You become lifted up because of thy beauty. Every hairstyle takes away the symbol of God. The Lord says from a bad source fresh water does not flow. Friendship with the world is an enmity with God. The Lord wants us to be different from the world.
Lastly, the devil has so far succeeded in using these types of attachment, embellishment and adornment in order to outsmart and win the souls of the believer to hell. Leaders of churches have ignored these attachments and defilements in churches. They have peddled the word of God for money. They have destroyed households, teaching things which they ought not for the sake of dishonest gain. It is time we please God and Him alone, not flesh and not the people we live with. Take heed that you do not pave a way that leads to death. The Lord God spoke about the consequences of disobedient children, who wear make-up, who paint their hair, who put on jewellery, their dress-code, the way they walk once these adornments have been attached to them and so forth. He pointed out their rewards in the next life. The Holy Bible says the lost will be like the sands of the sea. Brothers and sisters please work out your salvation while there is still time and may our Lord Jesus Christ bless you all.
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