Have you ever been totally engrossed in something and then had a fleeting thought, one that has absolutely nothing to do with what you are doing? You tell yourself, when re-thinking that fleeting thought, well, that will not happen. You forget about it but a few days later whatever it was that you had fleetingly thought about suddenly occurs. Or, it could even be that you had thought of someone you had not seen in ages and suddenly there they were in your presence. Well, it is because the sub-conscious mind has the power to bring forth experiences and to assist one materialise their dreams and ambitions depending on what one is ‘feeding’ or ‘energising’.
If the fleeting thought was about fear and we tap into the ‘fear’ vibration, that fear will be realised. The reason it takes very little time for something to materialise is because we thought it and then released it. We did not then go back and re-think it nor did we make suppositions. Likewise if it were about receiving a windfall then in a day or two one will receive the money. Yet again, if we think about receiving the money fleetingly without emotion and then not think about it again, the money will inevitably come because again, we thought and released and did not give it a second thought.
The words we utilise in our minds influence the outcome because we all react to words. That is what plants the seeds in our minds. The subconscious mind is always eavesdropping on our conscious mind. Let us look at the example where we run ourselves down because we feel insecure about one or other of our attributes. If it is about our weight, then inevitably someone will say something about that and if we are in denial it is obvious we will become angry.
If we fear receiving a call about a debt, then almost instantly we will receive that call. No matter how much we avoid taking ‘calls’ for fear of receiving that particular call, what is guaranteed is that we will receive and take that call even if it’s against our will. That is how powerful the subconscious mind is. Companies cash in on this. They place subliminal in all commercials on television. If one observes that commercial to the end, upon going shopping we will most certainly purchase that commodity. Subliminal are subtle messages imprinted in the commercials. Subliminal can also be utilised in music to reprogramme the subconscious mind to be more receptive, to react in a specific manner in a given situation, for example - to choose healthier foods as compared to unhealthy foods, thus assisting one lose weight.
When we vocalise certain statements such as ‘we are now too old to do this or that’, people always laugh when I say to them ‘speak for yourself’. I never consider myself too old to have one or other experience. I always ensure I never ‘limit’ my experiences. I simply get down and do whatever it is because, to me, feeling ‘old’ starts in the mind. Likewise being ‘unable’ to carry out any task emanates in the mind.
The most powerful tools we have are the conscious and sub-conscious minds. What are you feeding your mind? Are you always focusing on lack? What are the words you utilise? Do you say things such as ‘I am going to look for a job’? If you do, then of course you will experience ‘look’ and will not be employed for in your mind you brought forth look. Become an observer of your vocabulary. You have thus far been creating unconsciously.
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