In life there is only one constant and that is change. Sometimes it is slow and gradual but time and again it comes about instantly, radically and revolutionary. Either way change comes but for some reason with us humans, the more things change, the more we stay the same. Perhaps it’s an inherent flaw that makes us want to surround ourselves with familiar entities. And as long as we can box it and label it we are comfortable.
Being set in our ways is pretty much one of the reasons humans struggle to solve new problems. For many years we have heard people say, ‘change your thought and you will change the world around you’. But people still choose to try to change the world around them with the same mindset they’ve always had. If you go to church you have probably heard the word ‘repent’ being hammered on congregants by the preacher.
In the original language, repent means ‘change your mind’. Think of life as an agricultural field in a particular climatic zone. You can grow some crops in one climatic zone but not every other crop will grow under the same climatic conditions. Therefore, some developments and advancements in society can only happen in certain ‘thinking’ climates. For example, at government level, they are talking about fighting corruption, but I wonder if their mindset is that of fighting corruption as a nation. For us to succeed in this, we need to think at the level of fighting this threatening scourge. If they still plan the way they did before and finances the way they always have and go about life as they always have, fighting this scourge will only be a pipe dream. Believe it or not, if we truly want to go to the next level individually and as a nation, change is a requirement that we need to adopt, and we have to adopt it now!
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