Be wise as a human being. The world is rotten, a human is not afraid to take the life of his or her own child to be rich. Stop listening to fake traditional doctors, pastors or black magicians; they are also in the business of making money. They use people to generate income. Social media life will fool you, not once or twice but multiple times; don’t fall for the social media trap. Wear your spectacles and check people’s backgrounds, do your research before taking your hard-earned cash to scammers.
You’ll die broke and miserable if you choose to be ignorant and end up being a bitter ancestor. Build yourself, you will end up achieving great things in life. Be thirsty for information, be eager to learn every day, socialise and put your work out there. Sell yourself not your body, be a smooth talker and strategise. Watching movies, TV series and shows won’t pay your bills.
Stop assisting people to kill your dreams, plans, success, vision and missions. Be the driver of your own life, and you don’t need a fake licence to be the perfect driver of your own destiny. Falling and failing is part of life, keep on trying. You were born alone and you’ll die alone, that’s the naked truth.
Sara Dimple Makala
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